Ádám Kiss

Ádám is a PhD student at the University of Debrecen interested in breeding ecology, and conservation biology in shorebirds, particularly species that breed in agricultural habitats. His favourite is the Collared Pratincole, an endangered species in Hungary, which is a typical colonially breeder in agricultural enviroment.His interest about this species was began before he started…

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Afonso Rocha

Afonso Rocha is a conservation ecologist and since 2006 dedicate part of his career in the monitoring and study of wader species and the management of coastal habitats. He has particular interest in the ecology of Kentish plover breeding in anthropogenic habitats such as saltpans. Currently is a Post-doctoral researcher based at University of Aveiro,…

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Alexandra Grandón Ojeda

Alexandra is a Chilean Veterinarian associated from the beginnings to Chilean wildlife, specifically birds. Her main focus so far had been the descriptions of Chilean bird parasites but currently she is starting her PhD at the University of Bristol, UK where she will study “The impacts of visual and olfactory predators on behavior, life history…

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Allison Pierce

Alli is a PhD student at the University of Colorado Denver broadly interested in animal population dynamics and behavioral ecology. Most of her graduate work has focused on her species of interest, the Mountain Plover. She is fascinated by this unusual shorebird because of its peculiar split-clutch mating system and preference for disturbed habitats far from…

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Andreas Rimoldi

Andreas is an evolutionary biologist, that graduate working on a completely different field: physical anthropology, however, the passion for birds brought him volunteering first and then working for LIPU (Italian Birdlife), and thanks to this, he decided to purse a bird-centred academic career.Currently a PhD student at University of South Bohemia, his main research revolves…

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András Liker

András Liker is a biologist, his work focuses on behavioural ecology and evolutionary topics, using birds as model systems. Andras is a Professor at the University of Pannonia (Veszprém, Hungary), and is the leader of the MTA-PE Evolutionary Ecology Research Group. His current research investigates the relationships between skewed adult sex ratios and variation in…

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Anton Ivanov

Anton has been studying the ecology of migrant waders on the steppe lakes of European Russia (the Republic of Kalmykia, the Volgograd and Astrakhan Regions) since 2001. He is interested in interspecific relationships, competition and ecological segregation of closely related species of waders. Anton met Prof. Tamas Székely in 2003 at the International Wader Study…

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Brett Sandercock

Brett has worked with migratory waders for more than 25 years, with a research focus on the demography and behavioral ecology of species breeding in arctic and grassland ecosystems.  Brett first worked with Western and Semipalmated Sandpipers in western Alaska for a dissertation project and received his PhD from Simon Fraser University in 1997.  He…

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Badis Bakhouche

Badis is a PhD at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene Algiers (Algeria), interested in animal population dynamics and behavioral ecology. Most of his works were focused on ornithology and herpetology, he is fascinated by shorebirds because their populations are poorly known in Algeria. He starts to study two species of shorebirds (Little…

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Claire Tanner

Claire Tanner is a PhD student at the University of Bath studying sex ratios and breeding behaviour in shorebirds, supervised by Prof Tamás Székely (Bath University), and Dr Daniel Field (Cambridge University). Claire is specifically investigating mating systems in Kittlitz’s plovers in South Africa, and will be comparing the breeding systems in this population to…

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Cristina Carmona

Cristina began her work with birds after falling in love with the blue-footed boobies in Isla Isabel, Mexico. Interested in their behavior, since then she has continued to study seabirds and plovers, studying the developmental long-term consequences of brood’s hierarchies in boobies and the mating behaviour, mating system and social enviroment in plovers. She finished…

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Eduardo Santos

During most of his career Eduardo has investigated aspects of mating systems, sexual selection and parental investment in birds. His experience with shorebirds started during his MSc thesis when Eduardo studied the Southern Lapwing in Central Brazil. Southern Lapwings are a really interesting shorebird because they exhibit a form of cooperative breeding. Eduardo is currently…

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Esmat Elhassan

Esmat is a Wildlife Conservation Officer at Dubai Municipality (UAE) with a major interest in ornithology. He is Carrying intensive fieldwork in breeding ecology of shorebirds in Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve, Dubai. He is currently an apart-time Ph.D. student at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, studying the breeding success of shorebirds in…

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Götz Eichhorn

Götz studied biology at the Universities of Freiburg (Germany), St. Petersburg (Russia), and Frankfurt (Germany) where he graduated with a diploma on the stopover ecology of migrating waders in Central Kazakhstan. For his PhD studies he moved to the University of Groningen (Netherlands) where he completed a thesis work on the flexibility and constraints in…

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Evgenia Luchik

Evgenia is a junior researcher at Laboratory of Ornithology at the Centre of biodiversity of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Since 2012 Evgenia has been studying breeding ecology and migration of waders at the Pripyat River floodplain meadows. The most interesting study site for Evgenia is Turov Meadow as this is one of…

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Grant McDonald

Grant McDonald is an evolutionary ecologist who got his PhD from the University of Oxford.  His previous work used a mixture of theoretical simulations and empirical research on polyandrous red junglefowl to explore how the complex structure of social and sexual interactions shapes patterns of sexual selection.  He recently joined as a post-doc working with…

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Guillaume Dillenseger

Guillaume is currently a PhD student at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Living with a chronical disease, he suffered from discrimination during past experiences, and hopes for a better integration of people with disability in the scientific community. His main research topic focusses on predation rates affecting, and anti-predatory strategies displayed by shorebirds,…

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Hela Boughdiri

Hela Boughdiri is a Tunisian ecologist who has a keen interest in wildlife conservation and ecosystem preservation since childhood. Hela previously studied a Master’s degree in Evolutionary Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis-Tunisia (2020). Through the internships that she has carried during her studies, Hela became adept in caring a variety of native…

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Joana S. Costa

Joana is a conservation ecologist interested in understanding how environmental changes can affect population dynamics of species. She developed her PhD at University of Aveiro, in collaboration with Swiss Ornithological Institute, exploring the links between migratory strategies, phenology, and breeding success of European bee-eaters. She is also interested in wader ecology and conservation. During her…

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Ivalio Dimtchev

  Ivailo has been actively involved in the conservation and study of waterfolw and biodiversity for more than 20 years, and is particularly interested in migratory processes and food, habitat and predation, especially  for birds in salt lakes.Ivalio is a PhD student at The Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (IBER) at Bulgarian Academy of…

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Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen is an associate professor of wildlife ecology and management at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in New York.   Following a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech on the breeding ecology of Piping Plovers in New York, Jonathan did post-doc work on Red Knots and Piping Plovers.  His lab focuses on factors limiting…

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Jordi Figuerola

Jordi is a senior researcher at Estación Biológica Doñana, a research institute of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) centered around studies of the mechanisms that generate, maintain and contribute to loss of biodiversity. His collaborations focus on identifying the consequences of wintering in Europe or traveling to Western Africa for the survival, breeding success and…

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Kristal Kostoglou

Kristal Kostoglou is a PhD candidate at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research to date has explored the functions and costs of avian embryonic calling (chicks calling inside the egg before they hatch). Kristals’ honours thesis, which focused on the role of embryonic calling in the risk of egg depredation of shorebirds was published in…

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Kees Wanders

Kees’s research combines fieldwork in the Russian Arctic, labwork in Cardiff, and bioinformatics in Bath, to study evolutionary processes underlying shorebird population structure. He is a PhD student supervised by Prof Tamas Szekely (University of Bath), Prof Michael Bruford (Cardiff University), Dr Araxi Urrutia (University of Bath) and Prof Guojie Zhang (Beijing Genomics Institute).Previously Kees…

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José O. Valdebenito

José joined the group when he was doing his PhD in the University of Bath (UK), supervised by Prof Tamás Székely, Prof Sam Sheppard (Bath), and Dr Jordi Figuerola (Seville, Spain), investigating the causes of sex-specific mortality patterns in birds, particularly in shorebirds. Currently he is a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad Austral de Chile…

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Luke Eberhart-Phillips

Luke is a population ecologist with a special interest in the evolutionary relationships between social behaviour and demography. He aims to understand how animal breeding systems are shaped by extrinsic social and ecological environments and by intrinsic phylogenetic constraints. To accomplish this, Luke’s work focuses largely on studying sex-specific variation in mating strategies, parental care,…

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Magali Frauendorf

Magali is a PhD at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology with a broad interest in wildlife ecology, population dynamics and nature conservation. She is currently working in the CHIRP (Cumulative Human Impact on biRd Populations) project, which aims to identify how humans impact bird populations during different stages of the life and how these accumulate.…

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Mike Weston

Dr Michael (Mike) Weston is an Associate Professor at Deakin University where he teaches and conducts research on plovers and their conservation, and teaches into the Wildlife and Conservation Biology degree. He is solution- rather than problem-focused, and adopts a practical, science-based approach to solving biodiversity conservation issues, being inclusive of stakeholders and embracing citizen…

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Mirjan Topi

Mirjan Topi, is an ornithologist from Albania and has joined the ÉLVONAL group in 2021. He is the co-author of the first complete field guide of birds of Albania and co-author of few other papers and books in the field of ornithology. Mirjan, has been continuously working in the Protected Area Vjose-Narte in the southern…

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Naerhulan Halimubieke

Born and raised in the most pristine areas in Central Asia (Xinjiang, China), Naerhulan has developed a passion for biological research. He earned a master’s degree in behavioural ecology at Beijing Normal University with a focus on the breeding behaviour of Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). For the time being, Naerhulan is a PhD student based…

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Nastya Kuzmiankova

Nastya Kuzmiankova is a PhD student Belarussian State University. She started her work with birds more than 10 year ago. Specifically with waders 5 years ago. She is interested in monitoring waders which are nesting among agryculturals fields in Belarus. She does monitoring on numbers and factors influencing waders in such habitats. She is studying nest…

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Natalia Karlionova

Natalia is a Senior researcher at Laboratory of Ornithology at the Centre of biodiversity of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. She has been studying migration strategy and breeding ecology of waders for almost 20 years. She is a member of International Wader Study Group since 2002 and a member of Working Group on…

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Noémie Engel

Noémie’s main focus lies on the resident Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) population in Maio, Cape Verde. She conducted fieldwork in Maio for three consecutive years, which allowed her to gain a great understanding of this population’s breeding ecology and parental care. In addition, she conducted nest predation experiments looking into different predator strategies focusing on…

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Nolwenn Fresneau

Nolwenn is an early career postdoc researcher working under the supervision of Prof. Andras Liker in the University of Pannonia (Veszprém, Hungary). Her previous work includes a PhD in Antwerp (Belgium) where she focused on the evolution of intra-family interactions in canaries and blue tits and a master thesis studying behavioural syndromes of blue tits…

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Oscar García Miranda

The brief path that Oscar has walked in research began in Mexico in 2018, describing the distribution of dragonflies and damselflies in unexplored areas. In 2019 he made a stay in Galicia, Spain, where he did his first work on sexual selection and had his first experience working with the Kentish Plover. As of 2021,…

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Ralitsa Georgieva

Ralitsa has 10 years working experience with waders and other shorebirds in Bulgaria and Albania. Her work started in 2009 as a volunteer for the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BirdLife Bulgaria). Since 2010 she has participated in the regular monitoring’s of water birds for different conservation projects focused on the Burgas Lakes…

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Pinjia Que

Pinjia is working on plover in China since 2011. As his PhD study project, he studies on the nest survival, chick survival, brood sex ratio and population genetic structure. He do a post-doc at the College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University. Presently, Pinjia is conducting a project about adaptive mechanism of camouflage in Kentish…

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Romy Rice

Romy is currently working as a research assistant at the University of Debrecen after graduating from her undergraduate degree in Biology with Professional Placement from the University of Bath, UK. She is currently focusing on providing a first look at the breeding biology of the Cream-coloured Courser (Cursorius cursor), a semi-desert wader in the Cape…

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Sandra Giner

Sandra is a PhD in Science, mention Ecology, researcher of the Institute of Zoology and Tropical Ecology, of the Faculty of Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela. She has developed her research in bird ecology, the distribution of Antbirds in Venezuela, urban birds and since 2005 with shorebirds ecology, evaluating its dynamic temporal and…

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Sama Zefania

Sama leads the Madagascar plover’s project with Professor Tamas since 2002 until now. Sama likes to carry out the fieldwork data collecting and reporting on conservation biology and behavioral ecology of shorebird and currently hope to expand my experiment on lab work on this shorebird. Sama is a lecturer at the University of Toliara Madagascar…

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Sriman Delip Kumar Das

Sriman Delip Kumar Das is an Assistant Professor of Zoology at Jagannath University, Bangladesh where he teaches several courses of Zoology, wildlife and biodiversity conservation. He is passionate about conducting ecological research and conservation of the nature and wildlife. Birds are his main interest. Currently he is trying to understand the winter ecology and habitat use…

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Triin Kaasiku

Triin is a PhD student at the University of Tartu, interested in breeding waders in semi-natural habitats. The aim of her current project is to comprehend the issue of predation pressure, look at possible solutions and mediate between the research and conservation practitioners in western Estonia. Additionally, she acts as a conference coordinator of the…

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Viacheslav Khursanov

Viacheslav Khursanov is a PhD student at The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. He started his work with birds as a member of group studying Common cuckoos behavior by means of radio tracking. Also he took part in The LIFE MagniDucatusAcrola project that aims to restore degraded habitats of Aquatic warbler in Lithuania and…

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Virginia Sanz D’Angelo

Virginia is a researcher at Ecology Center at Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. She has a PhD in Ecology and has developed studies on parrots and bird communities in natural landscapes and also evaluating the impact of different human perturbations, as sand-mining, crops, and urban development, on bird diversity. Since 2006 she has been monitoring…

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Vladimir Mladenov

Vladimir has worked in ornithological projects for the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BirdLife Bulgaria) and other NGOs and companies since 2008. For the last 11 years he has participated in and coordinated the monitoring and conservation activities for waders and other shorebirds in the Burgas wetlands. Focus of his work are four…

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Wondimu Ersino Ayano

Wondimu was born in Doyogena, SNNPRS, Ethiopia. He got his MSc diploma of Zoology in 2011 at Mekelle University. He was a staff member of biology department, Wachemo University, Ethiopia,and held biology courses to undergraduate students. Currently, he is doing his PhD studies in Biology at University of Debrecen, Hungary. His research interest includes population…

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Yang Liu

Yang got his PhD at Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Berne, Switzerland in 2011. He established the Avian Ecology and Evolution Research Group in Sun Yat-sen University in 2012.Yang’s lab is enthusiastic to study patterns and processes in diversification and adaptation of Asian birds using interdisciplinary approaches. Liu’s current studies related to ELVONAL…

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