Alexandra is a Chilean Veterinarian associated from the beginnings to Chilean wildlife, specifically birds. Her main focus so far had been the descriptions of Chilean bird parasites but currently she is starting her PhD at the University of Bristol, UK where she will study “The impacts of visual and olfactory predators on behavior, life history and demography of Falkland shorebirds” with supervisors with a lot of prestige on the subject such as Innes Cuthill (University of Bristol, UK) and Tamas Székely and Robert Kelsh (both from the University of Bath, UK). The main motivation to start these studies in migratory birds (Charadrius falklandicus and Charadrius modestus) is because there is very little information about them, and studying them on an island as the Falklands Islands, allows a more complete understanding of how they behave in all sense, whether populational, reproductive, among others.