Tamás Székely

Tamás Székely is an Honorary Professor of Debrecen University and Professor of Biodiversity at University of Bath, UK. Tamás is an evolutionary biologist with long standing interest in behaviour, ecology and evolution. He was visiting professor at various universities including Harvard, Sun Yat-sen, Groningen and Göttingen, and he held a Mercator Professorship at Bielefeld University.…

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Vojtěch Kubelka

Vojtěch is a biologist interested in evolutionary ecology of shorebirds, field research, comparative analyses, science popularization and nature conservation. He has been keen on shorebirds since 2007, when he established Czech Wader Study and Protection Group and become an editor of journal Vanellus popularising shorebirds science and conservation. Vojtěch has been a member of Executive Committee of International Wader Study Group since…

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Fanni Takács

Fanni began her bird-work on Common cuckoos’ territorial behaviour during breeding season for her Biology BSc studies with specialized in ecology at University of Debrecen, Hungary. The study was based on radio tracking. Then she worked with shorebirds’ (Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Northern Lapwing, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet) nest site selection at a unique saltmarshy habitat…

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William Jones

William is an ecologist with expertise in speciation, parasitology and evolutionary ecology. His PhD, “Avian malaria and interspecific interactions in Ficedula flycatchers” [link:https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1295138&dswid=-6173%5D, was conducted in the lab of Anna Qvarnström at Uppsala University, Sweden. William has a passion for ornithology and he has extensive avian field experience around the world including Côte d’Ivoire, Peru, Senegal and Sweden. Additionally, he has…

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Zsófia Tóth

Zsófia graduated as biologist at University of Debrecen in 2015. During her PhD, she was working with passerines in wetland and in forest as well. Her main interest is the proximate mechanisms of life-history evolution focusing mostly on stress-physiology and breeding ecology. She investigated especially the role of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), corticosterone and the…

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András Kosztolányi

András is a biologist interested in the evolution of parental care, the conflict between the sexes over care and its implications on demography and sex ratios. He has been working with waders, and especially plovers over two decades. András wrote his PhD on parental care of the Kentish plover. He has led field projects and experiments on…

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Zoltán Barta

Zoltán Barta is an evolutionary biologist and behavioural ecologist. He is a Professor of Biology at the University of Debrecen and Head of the Department of Evolutionary Zoology. Zoltán has a wide ranging interest from social foraging, through parental care and cooperation to state-dependent life history theory. Through his research Zoltán tries to combine theoretical…

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