Vojtěch is a biologist interested in evolutionary ecology of shorebirds, field research, comparative analyses, science popularization and nature conservation. He has been keen on shorebirds since 2007, when he established Czech Wader Study and Protection Group and become an editor of journal Vanellus popularising shorebirds science and conservation. Vojtěch has been a member of Executive Committee of International Wader Study Group since 2014. He has also attended 18 ornithological expeditions at five continents and has organized and led 10 out of them. Furthermore, Vojtěch was the main organizer of international IWSG conference in Prague in 2017.
Vojtěch’s PhD thesis “Significance of predation for breeding ecology and conservation in shorebirds” (2018) can be found here:
As the Scientific Coordinator of the ÉLVONAL SHOREBIRD SCIENCE, Vojtěch carries out research in included shorebird populations, coordinating research associated with the project (supervising PhD students and research assistants, coordinating research with external collaborators), coordinating sampling, behavioural recording, data analyses, and preparations of manuscripts for publication, presenting the results at conferences and research seminars, assisting administration associated with the project and carrying out other scientific and/or academic activities that are deemed necessary for the success of the project.