William is an ecologist with expertise in speciation, parasitology and evolutionary ecology. His PhD, “Avian malaria and interspecific interactions in Ficedula flycatchers” [link:https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1295138&dswid=-6173], was conducted in the lab of Anna Qvarnström at Uppsala University, Sweden. William has a passion for ornithology and he has extensive avian field experience around the world including Côte d’Ivoire, Peru, Senegal and Sweden. Additionally, he has an interest in the utility of so called “citizen science” projects and is a data reviewer and editor for eBird.

As a postdoctoral researcher in the ÉLVONAL SHOREBIRD SCIENCE, William works with a range of datasets, but with a particular focus on the Malagasy plover species, to understand the environmental and ecological factors that influence demographic trends in wader populations. He also supervises students and interns and is happy to be contacted by prospective students who are looking for projects.