written by Fanni Takács

To find the silver lining between meeting person and online only events, we decided to organise regular webinars for all of our collaborators, targeting common and relevant topics of Shorebird Science.

During this first event on 30th September 2020 we were discussing “Nest fate determination and the exposure time computation” more in detail.

Dr Vojtech Kubelka was the leading the discussion and presented an overview why this topic is important in our research. How to find out whether a nest was predated or hatched successfully? How to correctly calculate exposure in days for the given nest during the nest survival computation? We investigated those and other questions in more detail. Together with the 18 participating colleagues from all over the globe we had an open discussion sharing our experiences about the targeted topic.

The first ÉLVONAL webinar was very successful and we are looking forward to meeting you again during the future ones.

* all webinar material are available here *